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Just when worry has you in its grasps…DON’T! (Part 2)



Here is a tip from one of my friends and subscribers to my blog from last time: “If you are sure you are worrying too much, you need to control your mind and break the habit. Remember you're in control. Don't let your brain run wild. If your amount of worry is warranted but just don't like the way it feels, you might look at it is as if life were a game.  Would you want to play tic-tac-toe all your life so you could always win? Or something more challenging?”

One point this man pointed out is to break the habit of worry.  One way I break the habit of worry is not to just tell myself to stop worrying.  I have to get up and do something else.  Whether it’s going to see a friend or working on another task that I need to do, sitting around and telling myself not to worry just doesn’t work.  You have to get up and do something else.

Another point which I think he is getting at is that, instead of worrying about the problem, think about it as a challenge.  Maybe think about it as a mystery game…a “Who done it” or “How do I escape from the escape room.”  Try to think about the problem in a more positive light.

So what happened to myself, my husband, and my car on the side of the expressway?  The car totally shut itself off at 65 miles per hour on the freeway!  We coasted to the curb and got out of the car to call AAA while we waited at a nearby park.  All of a sudden, a city tow truck came by to see what happened.  They were able to tow us to a nearby police department because we couldn’t have the car sitting on the side of the expressway near the on ramp.  From the police station, AAA towed us to our local garage.  Thanks be to God that we or the car were not injured.  What was even more amazing was that we were going down a small hill when the car shut down.  My husband was able to steer it to the shoulder so we were not sitting just over the crest of a hill.  Yes, we are planning on getting a different car at the end of the year.  Thanks again to God saving our lives!

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