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What to do when your inspiration dies.


January 14, 2024

Just like many other artists, there are times when I have trouble deciding what artistic photo I want to create next. (It also happens quite frequently when I write blogs.  I may already have an idea but don’t know how to express it or I may not have an idea at all!)  One suggestion that one of my drawing professors at college would encourage me to do was to take a sketch book everywhere I went.  My photography professor would encourage me to take my camera everywhere I went as well.  (No, I don’t always do this because that may mean I would not end up at work.  I would be out taking photos all day! In all seriousness, I don’t want to risk having my camera stolen or damaged.)  But if I have some free time to spend at a park I will.  Sometimes I don’t take any photos that day, or I may take a few.  I never know when I will see an interesting sign, horse, flower, color, odd object, etc. that I could put in another picture at some point.  Another way to stoke up creativity is to play around with the camera or with photo developing software.  I really like to use Adobe’s Photoshop program, even if it’s complicated because it has so many tools to fix a photo.   It could turn out to be a masterpiece.  Or, as one of my writing professors said, “Writing is where you can take all of the little failures in your life and make them into one big failure.”  That also happens with art as well.

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